The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Monday, October 26, 2009

John Discussion Questions

John Discussion Questions for Class #12

Text: John 8:1-30

1. From our previous lesson text, when was the first time Jesus had taught in the temple?

2. Why do you think Jesus choose to teach in the temple?

3. Who is missing when the scribes and the pharisees bring the woman caught in adultery to Jesus? Why do you think it is important to note this?

4. In verse 9, what are some reasons why the men would have left when Jesus said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first"?

5. What point is Jesus making in verse 19?

6. Jesus is very clear in His teaching in verse 24. What does this verse do to the man-made religions of the Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, etc...?

7. If we do those things that please God as Jesus says in verse 29, will we ever be alone? List scriptures that prove your answer.

8. In verse 30, the scripture says that many believed in Him. In John 6:66,

the scripture states that many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Has Jesus become a better teacher? Please explain you answer.

John Discussion Questions for Class #13

Text: John 8:31-59

1. Explain how verse 32 is true no matter what one's situation in life is?

2. Look at the jew's statement in verse 33. Is this statement true?

3. From verses 43 and 47, what is the Jew's main problem?

4. Is verse 51 true? Why or why not?

5. Are the people Jesus is talking to in verses 31-59 the same as those mentioned in verse 30? Why or why not?

6. From verse 56, why would Abraham rejoice to see Jesus' day?

7. Why is verse 58 so important?

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